Sunday, January 29, 2012

I AM Stronger....

I AM Stronger….

I have always known for certain that things happen in your life for a reason and that people appear when that reason is unknown. The Universe works in mysterious ways! I have had quite the exciting year of starting new things and it’s only getting better. I’m exactly where I should be surrounded by the people that make me happy. I am fully aware of this fact and in turn great things are happening all around me. For once I’m not afraid to take new risks or start something new. I may try and fail but if I don’t try I may miss something miraculous! I attract to myself whatever I give my energy or focus to; whether wanted or unwanted. If your thoughts are obsessed about being lonely or broke and you truly believe these thoughts then guess what?

Words and thoughts are powerful. They can love, hate, scold, soothe or praise. They can impact self-esteem, lift us higher or make us believe that we can’t accomplish something. When you speak to yourself or another you have the power to choose your words. Are you deciding to come from a place of love and encouragement by building yourself up or from a place of bitterness, criticism and judgment? …..only YOU have the choice!! I challenge you (and myself) to try being kind to yourself and others by not using negative or defeating words. Can you be successful for an hour, a day, a week? It’s really a simple thing….to change your thoughts. I may not be an expert but I know enough to understand that positive thoughts (happiness, fulfillment, achievement, joy, worthiness, enthusiasm, calm, well-being, ease, energy, love) will give you positive results. Negative thoughts (judgment, unworthiness, mistrust, resentment, fear, tension, anxiety, hate, anger) will get you negative results.

I surround myself with positive things, literally. I gaze around my house to find words like, dream, enjoy, believe, friends. Everywhere I look brings me happiness and a feeling of serenity. People ask me, “What’s with the quotes all the time?” It’s simple, I feel as though they are my mantras. They keep me positive, grounded and focused on what I want out of life and the type of person I want to be. I had to make a drastic lifestyle change (Celiac and IBS) over the past few years and it hasn’t always been easy or smooth sailing. Sure, there are times when I feel sorry for myself and just as a child reaches for a blanket or a teddy bear I reach for my quotes. Wise people before us at the beginning of time said these remarkable things that pertain to my life NOW. I find comfort in that.

Imagine starting to believe in yourself and your possibilities. Imagine believing you deserve everything you want out of life. Imagine getting everything you want out of life. I’m a believer and it’s happening!! The difficult road that I travelled for those many months has brought me to my rainbow. On the toughest of days I would often repeat this quote to myself…."Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass; it's about learning to dance in the rain." Those are the days that I learned the most about myself, my resilience, passion, character but most of all; my strength. Wow! I’m a strong person. Did that just happen or did I have it all along? I may have lost it momentarily but it’s back indefinitely!!

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